
Tim Frie’s approach to nutrition is profoundly enriched by his commitment totrauma-informed care, offering a compassionate and supportive environment that recognizes the deep-seated impact of trauma on overall health. By skillfully integrating trauma awareness into his practice, Tim ensures that clients feel seen, heard, and deeply understood, establishing a foundational sense of safety and trust that's essential for effective healing. His practice not only acknowledges the physical symptoms but also addresses the emotional and psychological dimensions, restoring hope and empowering clients to reclaim their health through personalized and holistic care strategies. Tim’s dedication to trauma-informed principles fosters a therapeutic space where recovery is nurtured and every individual's healing journey is honored. This is critical in the care we all crave!

Andrea Nakayama
Functional Medicine Nutritionist & Founder
Functional Nutrition Alliance

Trauma forms the bedrock for so many root causes within the crosstalk ofprocesses related to diseases of body, mind, and spirit. Tim Frie has the passionand knowledge to help address the roots of trauma through nutrition andlifestyle.

Deanna Minich
Professor, Author & Nutrition Scientist

Tim is one of the most insightful nutrition professionals I've had the pleasure to call a colleague. He has a passion and dedication to "peeling the onion" in regard to nutrition care delivery in the personalized nutrition/medicine space is trauma-informed, systems-informed, centers access inequities, and really demonstrates his ability to assess a complex problem and seek out solutions guided by evidence.

Lara Zakaria
Professor, Researcher, Nutritionist & Pharmacist

Tim exemplifies what it means to lead trauma-informed care out loud. Hehonors research and science with curiosity as well as holding space for nuanceand discernment. He demonstrates compassion and excellence when it comes to human-centered care for his clients, colleagues, and community.

Katie Kurtz
Therapist, Writer and Consultant

Tim approaches client support and coaching like he approaches everything he does: with incredible intention, compassion and care. Tim is a natural born caretaker and a pioneer in the field of neuronutrition. I have had the honor of discussing the scientific, spiritual and philosophical aspects of brain function, trauma and nutrition with Tim and every conversation leaves me with a deeper understanding of these topics. Any client looking to work with Tim is destined to have an engaged healing experience in every interaction. He is one of a kind. As a functional dietitian, seeing caretakers like Tim is a breath of fresh air, light and joy.

Michelle Shapiro
Dietician and Host of Quiet the Diet

Tim's dedication to promoting health equity from an inclusive, culturally responsive lens is truly inspiring. He truly cares about making the world a better place, especially for marginalized communities, and is always looking for ways to use his skills and knowledge to make a positive impact. Anyone that works with Tim is in amazing hands. The thoughtfulness, passion, and expertise make him an invaluable asset to any team or organization who’s looking to communicate with their audience in a caring, holistic manner. You won't find a more dedicated, knowledgeable, or passionate person to work with.

Olivia Thompson
VP Marketing

Tim brings a refreshing level of awareness, respect, and integrity to his work, and has not only the strategy skills to cast a clear vision and achieve it, but also the emotional intelligence and courage to bring out the best in his teammates. In the 10 months I’ve worked with Tim, I’ve seen him make a dramatic impact driving positive change in thoughtful, sustainable ways. Tim has made a lasting influence on how I approach my work, and I feel deeply fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from him.

Melissa Rae Lopez
Nutritional Therapy Consultant,
Personal Trainer & Marketing Manager

Tim is brilliant and kind, energetic and focused, and is the type of person you can trust to make real change happen. He provided never-ending support, clear direction, and was always able to provide a rich understanding of the entire picture.

Shana Walsh
Professor, Health and Wellness Coach
and Personal Trainer

Tim is a true innovator in the health space. His background is perfect to deeply understand what is needed and what will succeed with trauma-informed healthcare. His communication, efficiency, and empathy is a dynamite combination to change healthcare.

Bridgette Orten
Consultant & Entrepreneur

Tim has been instrumental in the growth, evolvement, and development of our educational programs. He has a keen awareness of what is important, relevant, and necessary when it comes to the enormous task of educating and certifying thousands of professionals in health, nutrition, and fitness. His ability to look at the big picture and then drill it down into the details has been a huge asset. He's organized, professional, and a team player. We truly would not be where we are today if it weren't for him.

Lizzie LaCour
Community Strategist

Tim is one of the most thorough & thoughtful people I've associated with. He's highly cognizant of people's needs, how to understand their trauma, experiences, and how to best listen & respond. Further, he's proactive while showing tremendous empathy. There is a genuine concern, paired with consideration of needs, to best manage challenging dynamics and situations.

Zach Anderson
Attorney, Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer

Tim leads his teams by example, cares genuinely about the people he manages and works alongside, and makes every stride to grow in parallel with the people under his guide. He constantly wants to grow his leadership skills, his industry knowledge, and his emotional and relational intelligence to better serve others, and he never relies on himself alone to do it. He’s humble enough to admit when he’s wrong, smart enough to ask for help, and capable enough to put out fires whenever the embers spark.

Nico Ghibaudy
Healthcare User Experience Content Strategist